Shaelene’s Tax Tip of the Week – February 6th

Did you know? 

If you or your child was a student in 2019, you can claim the amount of interest paid by December 31st on their student loans as long as they were received under the Canada Student Loans Act, the Canada Student Financial Assistance Act, or the Apprentice Loans Act. While only the student can claim this credit, the interest can be paid by anybody on their behalf.

Have questions? Give us a call! 905-571-2665

Shaelene’s Tax Tip of the Week – January 15th

Know the difference between a “tax credit” and a “tax deduction.” A deduction is an expense or exemption which reduces your total taxable income. The tax credit is what reduces whatever you’re on the hook for income tax wise.

Have questions? Give us a call! 905-571-2665